German to English

I provide German to English translation services to clients around the globe. As with document translations in general, my areas of specialization include general, legal, financial, business, and technical translation, but I accept translations on other topics as well. I also work with international organizations.

German Background

German thesaurus, useful for German to English translation

I first visited Germany while I was studying abroad in Paris, and my experience there prompted me to take a German course when I returned to Montreal and began my final year at McGill University. Thanks to my studies of Latin and Ancient Greek, I was already familiar with languages that have a complex case system and I took to German quickly. The class gave me a solid grounding in German up to an intermediate level, or B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

After I moved to Geneva to begin my master’s studies, I often travelled to Germany, and once the coursework for my master’s was finished I moved to Cologne and later married a German citizen. I lived in Cologne for three years, teaching English and starting to gain professional experience in both French and Spanish to English translation and English editing and proofreading. I also took German courses in the evening. Cologne and my husband’s family offered me an immersive experience in German language and culture and I continued to take classes into a proficient (or C1) level.

After I left Germany, I used my proficiency in German and the translation skills I had learned during my Master of Arts in Translation studies to challenge informal German to English translation tests, first for the translation unit of a company in London and then for an international organization in Geneva. I passed both tests and began taking on German translation and revision work.

German to English Document Translation

To find out more about document translations in general and about the services that I offer, please see the Document Translation page.

German to English Certified Translation

As a professional translator with German as one of my working languages, I am able to offer German to English certified translations for several purposes.

To learn more about certified translations and what sort of certified translation services I can provide for German texts, please see the Certified Translation page.

Other Languages

I also translate from French to English and from Spanish to English, and I provide editing and proofreading services in English.

For more information about my experience with these languages, please click on their respective links.

To learn more about the editing and proofreading services that I offer, please see the Editing and Proofreading page.